38EUDXF award also available for SWL’s
In earlier communications it was not explicitly mentioned but the 38EUDXF Award is available for SWL stations. The same rules apply but as usual for SWL the log in the award application must contain both callsign of the stations in the claimed qso’s.
Celebrating the 38th anniversary of the EUropean DX Foundation the EUDXF presents the
38EUDXF Award

This award can be obtained by making contact with, or hearing, the various 38EUDXF stations active from a number of countries during the November 2024 EUDXF Activity Month .
The award will be available in 4 different classes:
- Bronze: 10 QSO’s with at least 6 special 38EUDXF stations and/or DL0EUF from at least 4 different countries
- Silver: 20 QSO’s with at least 8 different 38EUDXF stations and/or DL0EUF from at least 5 different countries.
- Gold: 30 QSO’s with at least 10 different 38EUDXF stations and/or DL0EUF from at least 6 different countries.
- Platinum: 40 QSO’s with at least 14 different 38EUDXF stations and/or DL0EUF .
- The same station on the same band in the same mode will count one time only.
(it is not unlikely this list will get longer)
- Special awards will be made available for single band and/or single mode applications.
- The award will be available for free in an digital format.
- A printed award will be made available against cost of 10 Euro/Dollar.
Some simple rules on how to get the award:
- Applications for this unique award may be send to pa1aw@eudxf.eu.
- Your application must include a log extract showing which award is applied for and a summary of the claimed qso’s for this award.
- Applications should be received by 31 December 2024.
- You will always receive an acknowledgement of receipt.
- If you do not have received an acknowledgement before Xmas please contact Alex PA1AW.
- Applications received after 31 December 2024 will not be processed.

VK9CV team saluting the EUDXF banner

As a sign of thanks for the support, the VK9CV team displays the EUDXF flag as a greeting to EUDXF members
38EUDXF Activity Month it is !!
What a great start this 38EUDXF Activity Month is having !!!
For the first hours of November there was a 38EUDXF Special Event Station active at every moment, and that while not even all the stations having started their activity yet. Active in the early hours of November were: AO38EUDXF, PG38EUDXF, AX38EUDXF, PB38EUDXF, PC38EUDXF and PA38EUDXF
To help the 38EUDXF chasers a special 38EUDXF cluster is added to the EUDXF website this month to see the 38EUDXF activity in a glance. A few of them also use the Clublog Live Stream so you can catch them there also.
Let’s not forget DL0EUF, although not recognizable as 38EUDXF our Germen clubstation is offcourse part of the celebrations and valid for the 38EUDXF Award
Rumour has it that additional 38EUDXF stations will become active in the coming period so the party will be even bigger if possible.