Our EUDXF office was contacted by various members why there isn’t any members list published on our website. We had this idea for a long time, but for data confidentiality reasons we haven’t realised it, but we are going to change this now. Those EUDXF members who want their name, call sign, photo and membership number shown on the website, please send us your confirmation by email that you allow EUDXF to publish your personal data on our website together with a nice representative digital picture of you. Please send your agreement email to office@eudxf.eu.
Our members who responded to above anouncement in the july 2021 newsletter :
EUDXF members sorted by membershipnumber…
#000 - OH2BR - Jukka
I started my active ham career in early December 1960 at the age of 15.
#011 - DF3EC - Achim
Support DX - join EUDXF
#047 - DJ6SI - Baldur
It all started 1973 SV1DB Mt. Athos......
#110 - DJ8NK - Jan
#167 - LA5HE - Ragnar
#195 - DF3OL - Jurgen
#198 - DK3PZ - Hans
Born in 1948 and got my first call in the year of 1968 (DC8JF); one year later I became DK3PZ.
#305 - G3XTT - Don
Too much info for a short bio
#669 - DL SWL Norbert Maibaum
SWL since 1973 (Born in 1960). All current DXCC entities confirmed (SWL only).
#672 - DK2LO - Olaf
#687 - PB2T - Hans
First licensed in 1980 as PE1EBF.
Upgraded to full licence in 1985 as PA3EBT and changed this callsign to PA7BT in 1998.
Changed the callsign to PB2T on 15 August 2003.
#695 - PA3FQA - Dick
I was born in 1963 and started amateur radio in June 1990.
My main interest at the moment is 160m CW.
#708 - PA3GCV - Henk
I started as SWL station NL8722 on 1981, and became a Radio Ham in 1987 with the call PD0PMH. Full license since 1992 as PA3GCV
#709 - PA3EWP - Ronald
Since 1982 I am active from 70cm till 160m all modes (CW preferred).
I like DX-ing, contesting and going on DXpeditions.
#711 - OH2BAD - Mika
60 years of hamming June 1, 1961-2021.
#716 - G4BWP - Fred
G4BWP - I am living again full time in UK (since Jan 2015)
#736 – PG5M – Gerben
EUDXF President
Active since 1973 as PA0GAM > PA5NT > PG5M
#802 - DJ0TP - Frans
First licensed as PA0MP in 1963, licensed as DJ0TP in 1968.
#809 - PA5J - Jaap
Born 1966, licensed since 1987. Casual DX and Contest operator.
#813 - PA1AW - Alex
The radiobug bit me on the age of 12 being a boy-scout participating in the Jamboree on the Air
#821 - ON6CC - Marc
My interest in the hobby began at the age of 13.
In 1993 I got my HAM-ticket as ON6ZX.
In the year 2000 I changed my call into ON6CC as it is now.
#838 - PA9M - Marcel
First licensed in 1983 PB0AED. PA3FGI 1989 since 2003 PA9M
#839 - PA1CW - Theo
Born in 1967, licensed since 1985, started as PA3ERL, PB7CW and now PA1CW.
Active DX-er, award hunter and ARRL DXCC cardchecker.
#841 - PB1WB - Willy
#859 - HA5AO - Pista
Other callsign: T88CI, 7P8AO. YJ0HA, C21HA, 7P8EUDXF, 3DA0AO
#862 - ZS4BS - Dennis
Licenced as ZR4BS in Dec 1989. Did morse code test in Nov 1991 and obtained callsign ZS4BS.
#866 - SV1JG - Cliff
FT8? Sure- got them all! FT8W, FT8X, FT8Y & FT8Z
#877 - PA5M - Michael
As I'm lucky to travel for the World Food Programme. I could be active in various countries all over the world.
#888 - SP5EAQ - Jacek
Jacek's previous dx-activies include VK9NE, T2AQ, E51EAQ, ZK3Q, 5W0AF, A3EAQ, T30AQ, 3D2MJ, ZL7/SP5EAQ, ZL/SP5EAQ and ZA/SP5EAQ.
#895 - OE6VIE _ Jo Engelbrecht
JO, born 1966,
6m and lowbands are my passion,
was active as OE30EUDXF, OE32EUDXF and glad to activate OE35EUDXF in 2021.
#899 - PA0RRS - Richard
Got my licence in 1974 in Germany as DA1IE and returned to the Netherlands in 1976 with the callsign PA0RRS.
#905 - LB8DC - Morten
#908 - PB5X - Roberto "Bob"
DXCC Hunter
#910 - DL1QC - Karsten
- born 1963
- Ham since 1977
- former calls: Y42UH, Y71TG, DL8MKM
#915 - LB6KC - Gaute
Dx & Contesting from JP51DE
#918 - PA4WM - Martin
DX enthousiast since 1979, DXCC HR#1 and enjoying our great hobby to this day.
#920 - OE1HHB - Harald
Worked since January 2015: 256 DXCC entities and 1409 bandslots in SSB with balcony antennas (160m - 70cm)
#922 - SV1MO - Michael
#924 - N6PEQ - Dan
First started as an SWL "KDX6T" in 1974 at age of 4
#931 - PA0GJV - Gerrit
Licenced since 1974 and mainly active on HF.
#936 - JH4RHF OE1JUN - Jun
JH4RHF/OE1Jun ex OE1ZKC Forty years of wondering the world...
#940 - DL7VEE - Rolf
QRV since 1968. DL7VEE since 1992.
#943 - PH0AS - Arbo
I am interested in DX and contesting.
#951 - OG2M - Pertti
I started ham radio in the 1980s as OH2BJK
#952 - SA2SAA - 5B4ALX - Alex
My name is Alex, many of you have come to know me as 5B4ALX, H2X, E6ET or other DXpedition calls.
#953 - PB5DX - Harry
active as a hamradio operator since 1993.
#960 - DK2HM - Hans-Martin
My name is Hans-Martin, DK2HM, from Ingolstadt,
#961 - DM1BM - Bert
QRV since 1984, mainly CW/HF.
DM1BM and SO1BM since 2017.
#965 - PA4JJ - Jan
#967 - PF5X - Enno
PF5X has been issued to me on 9 August 2003.
Previously: PA0ERA (Apr 1974 - 12 Dec 1998), PA5EA (13 Dec 1998 - 8 Aug 2003), 9V1CW (Oct 2004 - July 2006).
#970 - PA0MBD - Martin
Born in 1941, first ham-qso in 1975. DX-ing, mainly CW, sometimes digital modes and RTTY on HF-bands.
#973 - PA1BD - Dirk
My name is Dirk, I was born in 1964 and my callsign nowadays is PA1BD.
#975 - IK4RQJ - Augusto "Gus" Baldon
about Ham Radio activity look at
#976 - DM2RM - Ronny
I was born 1972 and get my hamradio license since 1988.
My first callsign was Y34XB, after German reunification DL5SZB.
#990 - PA4O - Peter
1001 - PA0FVH – Fred
Licensed in 1974, like chasing DX and an active RTTY contester.
1002 - W5MJ - Madison
I am a CW contester and DXer and submit scores to most of the major contests.
I like to go places.
1005 - PA5X - Johannes
Licensed as: PA5X, 5T5PA, C93PA, C91PA
1027 - PA7LEO - Leo
Started wit HAM radio around 40 years ago.
Mainly working from my location in Spain.
1037 - ON7WM - Werner
It all started in the late 70’s with CB band.....
1048 - DK7XX - Jörg Lahmann
Almost exclusively in CW
1056 - DV1K - Kiko