EUDXF stand at HamRadio 2023
On Thursday afternoon the EUDXF stand was built up on the well-known DX-plaza. We share this area with all other DX related groups Swiss DXF, Clipperton DXC, MDXC, GDXF, CDXC and IOTA. This year we hosted the Swains W8S team in our stand.
DX Plaza was the centre of activity during Ham Radio 2023. Our stand offered space to sit and talk with morning coffee and afternoon softdrinks including beer. In between shopping and collecting QSL cards lots of members and non-members spent their time with us. The reason is obvious: If you stay long enough you will meet all your friends. More than 11.000 radio enthusiast visited Friedrichshafen and EUDXF was glad to welcome nine new members: Rune LA7THA, Mitch KH6M, Tamás H8RT, Hans-Ulrich DL4MFR, Yeugeniy YL2TD, Pascal F8TRT, Ulmar DK1CE, Philipp DK6SP and Jamie M0SDV.
The EUDXF dinner organised by Hans-Martin DK2HM took place in restaurant Heuschober. The event was fully booked and the food was excellent. There are already plans for the EUDXF dinner next year.
We owe a big thank you to our stand crew Achim DF3EC, Jan DJ5AN, Jan DJ8NK, Pista HA5AO, Margreet K2XYL, Ronald PA3EWP, Hans PB2T, Gerben PG5M and Hans-Martin DK2HM,
A short photo impression of the EUDXF stand in Friedrichshafen

4U1ITU back on the air
You may have worked 4U1ITU recently or you may have seen some 4U1ITU cluster spots. The operation is real and the station will be on the air until 3 June. After a two year lock down, the ITU building in Geneva is back in business. Currently a series of meetings of Study Group 4 (satellites) and 5 (terrestrial and amateur) Working Parties takes place.
The two year lockdown has not been good for equipment and antennas. Lots of technical issues had/have to be solved. As it looks now (but we have to wait and see) 4U1ITU can operate on WARC bands with dipole fixed NW/SE and use the STEPP-IR on 40/20/15/10. A second radio is now being set up for 6 meters including FT8.
This activity will most likely be the last one before the reconstruction of the ITU building starting by the end of the year. The shack will be closed soon for several years. It is recommended to fill empty bandslots now.
NP4G visit to Europe
Otis NP4G one of the 3Y0J team members visited Netherlands and Belgium over Easter. Achim DF3EC and Hans PB2T had a short meeting with him in the Amsterdam Water Supply Dunes. This location was chosen to allow Otis to add another entity to his DXFC. The weather was excellent but conditions were not as result of recent solar disturbances.
Next stop for Otis will be Svalbard where he will do some serious cold weather training. The DX pedition to Bouvet, 2nd on the Most Wanted List is scheduled for January 2023. See