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HAM RADIO has been traditionally a meeting point for many interested in DXing from all over the world. This is true for those activating rare entities or islands as well as the DXers chasing them. Many of these DXers are members of national or international clubs and foundations, whose main goal is to financially support DXpeditions. Quite a few of these clubs and foundations have attended HAM RADIO for years.
Amateur Radio on Tour – the motto of this year’s HAM RADIO 2019 – appeals directly to the DXers. Some groups coincidently decided to set up their stands in one large area instead of being dispersed all over the hall. This is how DX-Plaza was born.
Participants at DX-Plaza are:
- European DX Foundation – EUDXF
- Swiss DX Foundation – SDXF
- Mediterraneo DX Club – MDXC
- Islands on the Air Ltd – IOTA
- Clipperton DX Club – CDXC
- EI DX Group
The idea behind DX-Plaza is to facilitate discussions among all those interested in DXing, and also have a dialogue between the groups. We believe that this initiative will be successful, in which case we intend to keep DX-Plaza in place for years to come, perhaps with more groups joining in.
We look forward to welcoming many visitors and having interesting exchanges.
Jan, PA1TT