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News about T30ET – Western Kiribati

Alex 5B4ALX shares the following information with us:

Hi dear, I would like to inform you of some news on T30ET.
Air Solomon informed me on Friday about the cancellation of my return flight from Tarawa to Solomon then Brisbane in the reason of changing the weekly day of the flight (only one flight per week lands), proposing to bring forward to March 31st instead of April 2nd.
After a careful economic and impact assessment on the activities, I decided to postpone the return to April 7th.
This will involve an additional expense of over 1000 USD but I think the right choice instead of paying penalties for having two days less.

The new scheduled dates are therefore March 18 – April 7.

This will allow more people to have a T30ET log

More info:  http://www.5b4alx.cloud/racoon-dx-project/