My name is Ken and I was fi rst licensed in 1992. I am an avid DXer, contester, CW op and DXpeditioner. I am very passionate about the hobby and it keeps me busy every day!
I like very much to develop and expand my own homestation to get to the next level in improvement. It could be small changes in station setup, solving some technical issues, or some bigger changes. I like DXing and chasing new band slots, whether it is in CW, digi or SSB mode really doesn’t matter, even though CW is my preferred mode.
In 2018 I was elected as Board member for LA-DX-GROUP, which is a small but very social and nice DX club. I am also member of other foundations, as well a CW op member (#1888).
In particular I also like going on singleop DXpeditions, and have been to some exiting places like Jan Mayen, Somalia, Central African Republic, Equatorial Guinea, Chad, Comoros, Congo and Malawi. I like the concept of doing everything from planning such a trip to operate. It’s like a 10-12 day long CQ WW contest and field day at same time!
Vy 73, Ken EUDXF #906