#943 – PH0AS – Arbo
I am interested in DX and contesting.
On this picture you see the latest version of my shack, two active 22 Inch screens for logging and other hamradio related software and a third screen for the P3 panadapter.
I am a member of Veron, and the program manager for my local Veron and VRZA club. R49 Zwolle / IJsselmond.
As a contester I am a regular participant in the Dutch PACC contest and was able to win 4 x the B1 section (2009-2013-2014-2015) and 3 x B section (2017, 2019 & 2020). In 2018 I came in second place.
B1 stands for SSB max. 100 watt. B for ssb max. legal power (400 watt).
As a team member of PA6Z 1 x the winner in the Mult/Multi categorie.
For video’s of the former PA6Z Group see the link further down the page.
In 2018 and 2019 the Veron PA6HQ station on 40 meter SSB was done from this station together with PA8KW during the IARU contest 14-15 july.